Police Services
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is Canada's national police service. Yorkton Detachment services Yorkton and the surrounding area.
The Yorkton Detachment is located at 37 Third Avenue North.
During an emergency, dial 9-1-1.
Non-emergencies, dial 310-RCMP (310-7267)
Online Crime Reporting
The Online Crime Reporting Tool allows residents with a valid email address and Internet connection to report select crimes online using a computer or cellphone.
- Damage/mischief to property under $5,000
- Theft of bicycle under $5,000
- Theft under $5,000
- Theft from vehicle under $5,000
- Lost or found property
- Damage/mischief to vehicle under $5000
Incidents must also satisfy the following conditions to be reported online:
- No witnesses or suspects
- Item(s) lost or stolen must cost less than $5,000
- Vandalized property that will cost less than $5,000 to repair
- There are no items involving personal identity, firearms, license plates or decals
If an incident does not fall within the reportable incident types, your local RCMP detachment must be contacted. Crime reported online will be treated the same as crime reported in any other way.
Our detachment offers the following services:
- Criminal record checks
- Document verification
- Fingerprints
- General information
- Non-emergency complaints
- Report a crime
- Victim services referrals
- Vulnerable sector check
Crime Watch
If you want to take part in public safety, you can sign up for the Crime Watch Advisory Network. This network allows us to quickly communicate crime prevention matters to the public who can then be vigilant in response.
Careers with the RCMP
We are seeking a diverse group of dedicated individuals who have a strong interest in serving the community by becoming a member of the RCMP. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply.
About us
Since Yorkton is a regional hub, our RCMP presence is one of the largest in the province. Our Detachment has 34 members who respond to an average of 168 service calls per week. We are guided by the mission, vision, values and commitment described here.
Community Programs
Members are involved with a number of community programs.
Program | Description |
A volunteer neighbourhood patrol group |
Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth Program (PARTY Program) |
An awareness program that lets young people experience the trauma that can result from risky behaviours |
A group dedicated to preventing impaired driving |
Yorkton Alliance of Asset Champions (Positive Ticketing) |
A program that encourages positive relationships between the RCMP and community youth by ticketing good behaviour |
Proud of our traditions and confident in meeting future challenges, we commit to preserve the peace, uphold the law and provide quality service in partnership with our communities.
We will:
- be a progressive, proactive and innovative organization
- provide the highest quality service through dynamic leadership, education and technology in partnership with the diverse communities we serve
- be accountable and efficient through shared decision making
- ensure a healthy work environment that encourages team building, open communication and mutual respect
- promote safe communities
- demonstrate leadership in the pursuit of excellence
The following core values guide the work of the RCMP:
- Act with integrity: We conduct ourselves ethically, and do so with honesty, dignity and honour.
- Show respect: We treat all people with fairness. We value and promote reconciliation, diversity and inclusion by being considerate of the democratic rights, history and lived experiences of others.
- Demonstrate compassion: We care for each other and the communities we serve by approaching each situation with empathy and a genuine desire to help.
- Take responsibility: We are transparent about our decisions and actions and hold ourselves accountable for the results and impacts.
- Serve with excellence: We commit to continuous learning and work collaboratively with colleagues, communities, and partners to provide and support innovative and professional policing services.
To our communities
The employees of the RCMP commit to our communities through:
- unbiased and respectful treatment of all people
- accountability
- mutual problem solving
- cultural sensitivity
- enhancement of public safety
- partnerships and consultation
- open and honest communication
- effective and efficient use of resources
- quality and timely service
To our employees
In the spirit of shared leadership and recognizing all employees as our greatest asset, we commit to:
- open, honest and bilateral communication
- demonstrating leadership through accountability and responsibility at all levels
- treating all employees with equal respect and consideration
- ensuring the safety of our employees by developing and enforcing minimum resourcing standards
- training that is timely, specific to the needs and relevant to job requirements
- effective and efficient management of human resources through consultation, teamwork and empowerment at all levels
- ensuring a safe and harassment free work environment
- encouraging and recognizing innovation and creativity
- fair and equitable systems to deal with
- recognition for good performers
- compensation and entitlements
- financial hardship caused by employees' worksite
- consistently poor performers
- discipline and discharge
- promoting health, safety and well being
- ensuring adequate human, financial and material resources
- enhancing job security through aggressive marketing of our services